MATLAB: Datetime conversion in numeric form (matrix)

datetimeMATLABmatrixnumeric datenumeric fromnumeric matrix

So, I have been trying to convert date to a number and add it to the first column of a numeric matrix.
Unfortnatelly, I use the code below to create the matrix for a specific range of dates but the dates were imported as strings not numbers (see picture). i have no dea why this doesn't work. Any idea?
t1=datetime([2001 01 01 00 00 00]);
t2=datetime([2017 12 31 23 00 00]);
time = datetime(t); %this is where the conversion should have happened
Firstly, I set the starting and finishing point and then, I choose to insert data by the hour.
After that I try but fail to do the numeric conversion.
Any help is appreciated!

Best Answer

If you want to convert them into date numbers, use the datenum function:
timeNr = datenum(time);
If you want to convert them into something else numeric, please be specific.