MATLAB: Datetick at feather plot

dates/times on x-axisfeatherplotquiverwind

I've been used the following commands to plot a feather plot:
(OBS: u and v are the components of the wind, and the vectors date are: year, month and day)
t = datenum(year,month,day);
hold on
plot(t, zeros(size(u)))
datetick('x','dd/mm/yyyy','keepticks', 'keeplimits')
But that isn't working very well.
I'm getting the following figure:
I've been tried to use the quiver plot, with the following commands:
t = datenum(year,month,day);
quiver(t, zeros(size(u)), u, v);
datetick('x','dd/mm/yyyy','keepticks', 'keeplimits')
with that I get the following image (It seems better, but the intensity of the winds are wrong, so I guess that the quiver function don't is correct for the case):
Repare that using the feather function the intensity of the wind is plotted correctly, but the graph and the values of the date in the X axis is wrong, meanwhile, whith the quiver the date is correct and the plot is correct, but the intensity is wrong.
Can someone help me to find the error? Is there another way to plot that information?

Best Answer

Apparently, feather and datetick don’t work and play well together.
This workaround is the best I can do:
t = datenum([1998 01 01]):datenum([2018 01 01]);
u = rand(size(t));
v = rand(size(t));
set(gca, 'XLim',[0 numel(u)]) % Set X-Axis Limits
xt = get(gca,'XTick') % Get X-Tick Values
xt(1) = 1;
txt = t(xt); % Define ‘t’ Using ‘xt’
set(gca, 'XTick',xt, 'XTickLabel',datestr(txt,'dd/mm/yyyy'), 'XTickLabelRotation',30)
I rotated the tick labels so they wouldn’t crash into each other.
Experiment to get the result you want.