MATLAB: Datenum with multiple formats


Hi All,
I am trying to convert a string array into a date serial.
When i use xlsread to import an excel document, it imports the following string array.
'01/01/2015 9:00:00 PM'
'01/01/2015 10:00:00 PM'
'01/01/2015 11:00:00 PM'
'02/01/2015 1:00:00 AM'
'02/01/2015 2:00:00 AM'
'02/01/2015 3:00:00 AM'
in general it is in the format:
'mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS PM'
but the imported 12am timestamps are formatted without the time. So when I provided datenum with that format:
datenum(txt,'mm/dd/yyyy HH:MM:SS PM')
it has an error when it it gets to the items without the time string.
Then if I dont provide the format, it assumes it is in the form 'dd/mm …'
How can I efficently convert this array into date serials?

Best Answer

"Use readtable() to read the file."
Thanks madhan ravi, using read table instead did the trick