MATLAB: Datenum axes scaling.


Hello, everyone!
I'm writing a GUI containing axes with datestr vector as X data, and it creates a plot with 3 months long ticks. Now, I want to scale it from start_date_num to end_date_num, and, for example, switch my datetick to 1 year if time period is more than 2 years. The problem is that I can't create the new XTick vector that would point exactly on the 1st of January of every year (depends on 365/366 days a year, and on lesser scales – on 28/29Feb, 30/31days a month). The code I tried:
time_period = scale_end - scale_start;
set(axes_handle, 'XTickMode', 'auto');
if time_period > (365*2)
datetick(axes_handle, 'x', 'yy');
set(get(axes_handle, 'XLabel'), 'String', 'Time (year)');
set(axes_handle, 'XLim', [start_date_num end_date_num]);
This showed the right picture with Xlabels changed to the needed ones, but still 3 months away from each other.
Any help is appreciated, thank in advance!

Best Answer

Set explicit XTick yourself instead using automatic mode. It usually isn't fun to figure out "nice" ticks as the user zooms and pans arbitrarily, but it can be done.