MATLAB: Date question


how do i go 6 months back?
so today is Feb 17, 2010 I use datevec to transform to Feb 1,2011, I can just do datenum-6*30 and transform that to Aug 1,2010 but is there a better way to do this? I want to make the intra month assumption above and get the first of the month 6 months back from the first of whatever month I am in.
thanks for you help

Best Answer

d1 = datevec(date());
datestr([d1(1)-1 d1(2)+6 1 0 0 0])
This uses the trick that you cannot go negative on months, but you can go back a year and forward 6 months from there.
Do not use -6*30 as that does not take in to account the length of months and will not handle leap-years properly.
ps: today is Feb 17, 2011 not 2010 :)