MATLAB: Date picker in app designer

app designerdate pickerduration

Hi there, I have recently started designing apps with App Designer and I am new to this.
So my app is supposed to handle financial calculation i.e set up amortisation tables for loans etc.
So I have two date pickers one for the start date and the other for the end-date. I have written a function that calculates the duration between two dates using years(d2-d2) but now when I try to display the date on an edit field { app.TermtoDate.Value = app.numberofperiods} I get an error message saying the value must be a double….
here is my code:
function Duration11(app,d1,d2)
start = datestr(d1)
enddate = datestr(d2)
app.numberofperiods = years (enddate-start)
**where numberofperiods is initiated as a property
I called this function under a buton callback

Best Answer

You are converting date into string using datestr. You can directly subtract the date time object. years(d2-d1)