MATLAB: Datafeed toolbox – IQFeed fails with a callback error

datafeedDatafeed ToolboxiqfeedMATLAB

I have just started using MATLAB Datafeed toolbox to connect to IQFeed. My script is taken from examples in help.
c = iqf('REMOVED','REMOVED');
sec = 'IBM';
fromdate = now-0.05; % beginning of date range for intraday data
% (approximately one hour ago)
todate = now; % ending of date range for intraday data (current time today)
However I get following error on execution.
Warning: Error occurred while executing delegate callback:
Message: Cannot access a disposed object.
Object name: 'System.Net.Sockets.Socket'.
Source: System
I have tried with history and it gives the same error.
Any help is appreciated.

Best Answer

Possibly a path issue, give this a try. If it doesn't work, then call tech support:
rehash toolboxcache