MATLAB: Datafeed Toolbox does not work with Yahoo

currentdatadatafeedDatafeed Toolboxerrorfetchhistoricalyahoo

I am trying to connect to Yahoo Finance with the Datafeed Toolbox, but I obtain the following error:
>> c = yahoo
Error using yahoo
Unable to connect or retrieve data from given URL.
>> fetch(yConnect,’AAPL’) % generates an error
>> fetch(yahoo,'%5EGSPC',{'Last'}) % either returns empty or generates an error
Error using urlreadwrite (line 98)
Error downloading URL. Your network connection may be down or your proxy settings improperly configured.
Error in urlread (line 36)
[s,status] = urlreadwrite(mfilename,catchErrors,url,varargin{:});
Error in yahoo/fetch>wwwread (line 407)
retdat = urlread(fetchurl);
Error in yahoo/fetch (line 222)
tmpdat = wwwread(fetchurl,numinputs);
>> fetch(yahoo,'%5EGSPC',{'close'}, today – 30,today-1)
Error using yahoo/fetch (line 387)
Unable to return historical data for given security.

Best Answer

For more information, please see the following bug report:
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