MATLAB: Datafeed Connect Bloomberg returns an error

bloombergdata importdatafeedDatafeed Toolbox

I get an error 'Cannot find Bloomberg license or bbapi.dll is not found on the system path' when trying to establish connection in datafeed toolbox. Few points:
  • I am able to download the data using getdata history functions
  • I have C:\blp\API on my system path(check environment variables) and I do have that file in that folder
  • Bloomberg DEMO API works
  • The Bloomberg API (Bloomberg access software) is installed on this machine
Please help if you can 🙂
Many thanks,

Best Answer

Just to double check, type "path" into the command window and make sure "C:\blp\API" is listed there. Also make sure the "bits" of your OS and MATLAB (32 or 64) match the "bits" of the DLL. And of course, you forgot to include your code so you're making it hard for us to help you by forcing us to guess and work "blind".