MATLAB: Datacursor: How to avoid returning to the workspace


I am writing a GUI in which the user need to select 3 points on an axes. The user will need to left click on the plot then press a key on the keyboard to store the position of the cursor.
Here is my code:
dcm_obj = datacursormode(gcf);
for i = 1 : 3
k = 0;
while k == 0
k = waitforbuttonpress;
c_info = getCursorInfo(dcm_obj);
point(i,:) = c_info.Position;
datacursormode off
It works but as soon as the user press enter, matlab goes back to the workspace. Thus the GUI is not displayed after this operation and the user need to click on the GUI window to restore it. Not friendly at all.
Any idea to avoid that ?
Thank you,

Best Answer

That is really a misuse of datacursormode. You should use ginput() for that, or perhaps impoly() or rbbox() or similar.
In my opinion, you should not use datacursormode() for anything other than displaying the cursor position (in whatever coordinate system makes sense.)