MATLAB: Database Connectivity in MATLAB 2010B picks up only one row from Oracle

Database Toolboxoracle

There are two problems I'm experiencing with the Database Toolbox:
I'm using the 11g client on Win 7 64 bit.
1.) When it does work, it only pulls one row. 2.) It only works once each time MATLAB is opened.
clear all
% create a database connection object
conn = database('mydb','user','pass')
pingconn = ping(conn)
% define a query
disp('Executing query…') tic; sqlQuery = 'SELECT ALL * FROM MY_TABLE';
curs = exec(conn, sqlQuery)
fetch = (conn, sqlQuery)
The strange thing is that is communicates with the database and the query times match up with Oracle PLSQL developer exactly, but after the first run with MATLAB open, MATLAB will not store any variables. Also, it only stroes one row when it does work. I've tried many modifications of the same code with no solutions. This is using ODBC connectivity and the connection was tested successfully.

Best Answer

Please consider using JDBC drivers instead of ODBC:
  1. They are more reliable on 64-bit Windows.
  2. They should perform better than the ODBC drivers.