MATLAB: Data section from nc file

.nc file data selectionMATLAB

Hi, I wrote the following script to extract data from my .nc file. The data is for the QIRRIG variable. Time is monthly, over 37 months. Location is a specified grid square. So what i need is 37 numbers corresponding to each month. But I am only getting summaries. Please help!
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ncid ='','NC_NOWRITE');
lat = netcdf.getVar(ncid,0);
whos lat
lon = netcdf.getVar(ncid,1);
whos lon
from_date = '2007-01-16'; to_date = '2010-01-16';
time = netcdf.getVar(ncid,2);
whos time
QIRRIG = netcdf.getVar(ncid,3); %var3 QIRRIG 1081x days
time_datenum = time / 365 + datenum('0-12-31 00:00:00');
date_match = time_datenum >= datenum('2007-01-16') && time_datenum <= datenum('2010-01-16');
selected_QIRRIG = QIRRIG(:, :, date_match);
latlim = [5 30]; %5N 30S
lonlim = [65 95]; %65W 95W

Best Answer

YOu need not use such complex functions..have a look on functions ncread, ncdisp and ncinfo. ncread will give you the variable you wanted.
iwant = ncread(myncfile,'QIRRIG') ;