MATLAB: Data plot with color

data sortingscatter plot

Dear Users, I have a set of data of say 100 elements and I want to plot 5% of this data, randomly assigned, in blue and the rest in red. Can you help me? The data I have generated is a collection of random points
% code
m = zeros(1,100);
n = zeros(1,100);
for i = 1:100
m(i) = sqrt((100*rand)^2);
n(i) = sqrt((100*rand)^2);
axis ([0 100 0 100])
scatter(m, n);

Best Answer

% code
m = zeros(1,100);
n = zeros(1,100);
for i = 1:100
m(i) = sqrt((100*rand)^2);
n(i) = sqrt((100*rand)^2);
idx = randperm(100,5) ;
hold on
plot(m(idx),n(idx),'Ob') ;
idx1 = setdiff(1:100,idx) ;
plot(m(idx1),n(idx1),'Or') ;
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