MATLAB: Data fitting

data fitting

I'm trying to plot a curve to fit a given set of population data. I am told to follow the format
P(t) = exp(a*(t - t_0)^2 + b*(t - t_0) + c*(t - t_0))
using built-in Matlab tools. I have found the basic fitting GUI offered under the figure tool bar, but nothing is of help there. Any helpful functions that anyone might want to suggest?

Best Answer

This is easy with the Ezyfit toolbox:
Plot your data, and type showfit('P(t) = exp(a*(t - t_0)^2 + b*(t - t_0) + c*(t - t_0))')
See the doc to specify starting values for the parameters a b c and t0.
I hope this helps, F. Moisy