MATLAB: Data Cursor Position Does not Match Mouse Position in Figure Zoom


I am using Matlab 2014b and I am reading in a large csv text file. The file size is 3000 x 4224. When I open the file using:
img = csvread(filename);
img = img';
figure1 = imagesc(img);
I get the normal figure window opening and the correct image in the figure. Selecting the Data Cursor, I can click anywhere in the image a retrieve the value of the 'pixel' I have selected. When I zoom in though, the Data Cursor goes crazy. When I select a pixel to get it's value, the data cursor selects a point far away from the pixel I selected.
It's almost as if the Figure window thinks my zoomed selection is still the entire image, that is, the mouse selection and Data Cursor have been decoupled so that if I select the left and right edges of my zoomed area, the Data cursor selects the left and right edges of the entire unzoomed image. This causes the data cursor to select points that are not visible in my zoomed image.
I tried using a new figure with imagesc(rand(100)) and the issue is not present, so I am thinking it might be because I am reading in a csv file?
The problem also exists if I remove:
img = img';
Any ideas? Thanks!
I also just tried saving my data as an ASCII file. I then used DLM read to open the ASCII file, and using imagesc, the problem still persists.

Best Answer

I just contacted the Mathworks group and they were able to fix this: It's a bug of version 2014b, and they have a patch for it:
Just want to post the answer here in case other people have the similar issue.