MATLAB: Data cursor in MATLAB

contourfdata cursoreditMATLABselect text update function

Hi MathWorks staff and Matlab users. I work on Matlab 2013a software. Main file is "question.m". I have problem with Data cursors.
When i place data cursor on contourf plot i see both 2 coordinates and amplitude level (i. e. z-value ) of the point and everything is OK (see image "1"). But when i save Text Update Function (press "Edit Text Update Function", go to file- save as – "NewCallback.m") to my working directory and then try to open it (press "Select Text Update Function" and choose this new file "NewCallback.m" ) i earn only 2 numbers instead of 3 !!?? I earn only coordinates, but not amplitude.
Look at image "2__I selected text update function.png".
Question: How can i obtain all 3 coordinates of point using "NewCallback.m" (or another modified text update function)?
Thanks in advance!!

Best Answer

Hello everybody. I think, i've overcomed this problem. Answer on this page
helped me very much. I modified code i've found there.
After contourfplot i write
datacursormode on;
dcm_obj = datacursormode(gcf);
My text update function is
function output_txt = myfunction(obj,event_obj)
global d_theta d_phi; %Theta and phi angle steps
% Display the position of the data cursor
% obj Currently not used (empty)
% event_obj Handle to event object
% output_txt Data cursor text string (string or cell array of strings).
pos = get(event_obj,'Position');
% We can go other, more time consuming way
% X=get(h,'XData');
% Y=get(h,'YData');
% [i_1,i_2]=find((X==val_X) & (Y==val_Y)).
% But i can find locations of the array elements
%more easily, as far as i made it by myself
%~~~~~~ Polar coordinate Theta ~~~~~~

Theta_angle=sqrt(val_X^2+val_Y^2);% in degrees !!!
%~~~~~~ Polar coordinate Theta ~~~~~~
%~~~~~~ Polar coordinate Phi ~~~~~~
if (val_X<0)&&(val_Y>=0)
elseif (val_X<0)&&(val_Y<0)
elseif (val_X>=0)&&(val_Y<0)
Phi_angle=Phi_angle*180/pi; % transform to degrees
Phi_angle=round(Phi_angle*10)/10;%i need 1 decimal
%~~~~~~ Polar coordinates Phi~~~~~~
Z=get(h,'ZData');% read big array everytime i move datatip????
output_txt = {[ 'Phi, deg= ',num2str(Phi_angle,'%.1f')],...
[ 'Theta, deg= ',num2str(Theta_angle,'%.1f')],...
[ 'Level, dB= ',num2str(Level,'%.2f')]};
To view result open sticked file "result.png". I tried to stick data file "data_exhample_" (about 1 MB) to this message, but i can't. Error appears...
P.S.: After my attempts to attach 2 pictures to my message (I wanted to attach 2 pictures, but only one picture displayed correctly,) i was deprived of ability to attach files. I think, that my problems are because of old browser. There is limitation on this site: i can attach no more than 10 pictures in 24 hours.
P.S.2: I accepted this my answer by my old user account Marat Zhe :P
P.S.3: I finally attached 1 more image and data file..
Image 1
Image 2