MATLAB: Data classification: Learning vector Quantization or two-layer feed-forward network??

data classification

I'm experimenting how to to use neural networks for data classification using the iris flowers data set.
If you type 'nprtool' in the command line you can load the iris flowers data set and it will classify it using a two-layer feed-forward network, with sigmoid hidden and output neurons. Its classifies 98% correctly.
Mathworks also say that you can use a Learning Vector Quantization (LVQ) network to classify data also. There is a separate example here <>
and they also demonstrate LVQ with the iris flowers data set here
Using LVQ it only classifies 90-92% correctly.
My question is, why is there difference in the amount classified correctly? and ultimately which is the best method to use?
Thank you

Best Answer

LVQ is not self organizing. It is created using supervised learning. The FFMLP has a different topology and has been proven to be a universal approximator. The LVQ topology is similar to that of the RBF. The RBF has been proven to be a universal approximator. The shortcomings of LVQ1 have been addressed by LVQ2. However, it, also, is not a universal approximator.
Hope this helps.