MATLAB: Data Acquisition (Really easy question)

addlineData Acquisition Toolboxdigitalioputvalue

I am trying to write a couple functions to interact with a MCC 1208LS sensor board and specifically trying to turn an led bar with 8 different lights on or off. I have made a function that does this, but it is slow as molasses and I know for a fact there is a better way, I just don't know what it is.
I have my function below and I am looking for a more speedy/optimal/less-sketchy way to code it. Thanks for the help! If I need to add comments I can do so, otherwise I think my goal is extremely intuitive.
if true
function [] = putDigitalData(ledNums, value)
%Sets state of LED light board
global dioLine
DIO = digitalio('mcc','0');
if isempty(dioLine)
dioLine = addline(DIO,0:7,1,'out');
for i=1:length(ledNums)

Best Answer

global dioLine ledsLine
DIO = digitalio('mcc','0');
if isempty(dioLine)
dioLine = addline(DIO,0:7,1,'out');
ledsLine = [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
ledsLine(ledNums) = value;