MATLAB: DAQ USB-1024HLS (Measurement Computing Corporation) addDigitalChannel error

adddigitalchanneldaq usb-1024hlsdaq.createsession('mcc');

Dear all, We have a USB-1024HLS device from mcc (Measurement Computing Corporation). I am using Matlab R2017a Win64 to program this device. Their seems to be a problem with the new release Matlab R2017a Win64 and / or USB-1024HLS device driver
My code is:
clear, clc
vendor = daq.getVendors;
device = daq.getDevices;
session = daq.createSession('mcc');
Error message is: The requested subsystem 'DigitalIO' does not exist on this device.
After checking a few things it seems the channel ID name 'PortA0:7' is incorrect in addDigitalChannel(session,'Board0','PortA0:7','InputOnly') command.
Will it be possible to help me please? Thanking you in advance. Best regards, Hendrik

Best Answer

The Measurement Computing DAQ support package is expected to work with any Measurement Computing DAQ device that supports analog input and analog output operations. It does not support digital I/O operations. Refer to the following link to get the list of supported hardware-