MATLAB: Cut an area in binary Image

binary imagecropcut an areaImage Processing Toolbox

Hi Everybody, Please, I would like to cut the white pixels area from a binary image, so that the output will be this white area. From another question, I see a method that shows how to surround this area, but also I would like to cut automatically the part surrounded, which is a vehicle logo in my case. Here is the link to this method:
I've tried this method for some hours, and trying to edit it to see the results, but until now I even didnt get the surrounded line, please your help is welcome.

Best Answer

There are several ways to crop the image. For example you can use regionprops() to find the bounding box, like I show in my Image Segmentation Tutorial
Or you could simply find the min and max rows and columns:
[rows, columns] = find(binaryImage);
topRow = min(rows);
bottomRow = max(rows);
leftColumn = min(columns);
rightColumn = max(columns);
croppedImage = binaryImage(topRow:bottomRow, leftColumn:rightColumn);
You could also find the bounding box by summing vertically and horizontally and then using find() like above.