MATLAB: Customize Wheel Scroll fxn to work within axes in figure


Hello, thanks for reading this,
I was wondering, is it possible to create a WindowScrollWheelFcn event exclusive to a axes within a figure I create within a UI? As in, when I cross over the axes in the UI I create and THEN scroll down, I do the callback. Otherwise, I do not activate the callback.
I was thinking I could check the mouse position when I do it in a figure, and if its in the domain of the axes, then do the WindowScrollWheelFcn callback, otherwise do nothing. Would this be the way to go about doing this?
Thanks for your help!

Best Answer

i did a quick test script to show you what is possible.
set(h,'windowscrollWheelFcn', 'plot(rand(10))');
set(h,'Windowbuttonupfcn', 'gca');
so with the snippit you can see that if you click on subplot 1 and scroll wheel it'll peform the random plot and do the same with subplot 2. since we can determine which subplot (or axes) were clicked the callback function can determine what to perform. I show how to determine which item was clicked using the windowbuttonupfcn. So in the windowscrollwheelfcn function you can set up something that checks what is the active axes and perform the scrollwheel function.