MATLAB: Custom coordinates into an array


This problem is getting me really crazy right now.
I'm trying to figure a way to make this work elegantly.
A is a N x N x N x...x N array (N is repeated M times).
N and M are integers greater than 2.
Assume a given i in {1,…,M} and a given j in {1,…N}.
I'm looking for a way to design a function that will receive A,N,M,i,j and will return
where j is at the i-th coordinate.
I.E. all elements who have j as their i-th coordinate, stored into a Nx…xN (M-1 times) array.
I have spent hours trying to find an elegant way to do this.
and still haven't found a lot in matlab's doc (sub2ind might come in handy eventually)
I also tried to design ':,…,:,j,:,…:' as a string and tried to pass it as an argument to A() but it does not seem to work.
I'm a bit stuck in here and I could really use a tip on this !
Thank you for your time !

Best Answer

ii = repmat({':'},1,M);
ii(i) = {j};
out = A(ii{:});