MATLAB: Curve Fitting Tool Equation Issue

curve fittingCurve Fitting ToolboxdataequationissueMATLABplotpoly4

Hi to everybody,
my name is Leo and I am 26. I have an issue regarding the Curve Fitting Toolbox. I have three historical time series, I have performed the fitting and now I have my poly4 normalized curve that approximates to raw input data. My question is: how can I get Fitted Curve Values? I have tried to denormalize data then substitute it to the equation I got but I obtain something like the original time series and not the fitted curve. Any suggestion?
Thank you very much in advance to everyone!
This is the code I have used to try to get the curve:
% Start...
p1 = .2442;
p2 = -.1398;
p3 = -.2358;
p4 = -2.233;
p5 = 24.05;
for x = SP99(1:252,1)
y = (x - 1327)/57.19;
Curve = p1*y.^4 + p2*y.^3 + p3*y.^2 + p4*y + p5;
And this is the curve of I want to obtain values:

Best Answer

I don‘t have the Curve Fitting Toolbox, but if you have all the fitted parameters and you want to get the values for the curve, one way is to use an anonymous function:
p(1) = .2442;
p(2) = -.1398;
p(3) = -.2358;
p(4) = -2.233;
p(5) = 24.05;
y = (x - 1327)/57.19;
Curve = @(y,p) p(1)*y.^4 + p(2)*y.^3 + p(3)*y.^2 + p(4)*y + p(5);
Then to get the values of Curve for every value of y:
yfit = Curve(y,p)