MATLAB: Curve Fitting to Multiple Data Sets

curve fittingCurve Fitting Toolboxmultiple data setstoolbox

I have been searching and searching, and can't find out how to fit a curve to multiple data sets.
I originally had a matrix of information, MRI data with one column per patient. I tried to open that in the curve fitting tool box by importing as a data set, but it would only take vectors. I broke the matrix into individual vectors, imported them as several data sets, and they are all displaying on the plot in the toolbox. However, when I go into 'Fitting', I can only select one data set to fit a curve to. I need a curve to fit all of the data, not each patient individually.
Any ideas how I can accomplish this?
Thank you for any help you can offer!

Best Answer

Take the mean of the matrix across columns and fit the curve to it.
data = mean(data_matrix,2);
%fit stuff to data.