MATLAB: [curve fitting] dependence between coefficients

biexponentialcoefficientscurfe fitting

Dear all –
I need to fit my experimental data (x_data, y_data) with a biexponential decay model:
% define fit options
fo_ = fitoptions('method','NonlinearLeastSquares','Lower',lower,'Upper',upper);
% define fittype
ft_ = fittype('offset+a*exp(-(x-x0)/b)+c*exp(-(x-x0)/d)',...
'coefficients',{ 'offset', 'x0', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'});
% perform fit
[cf_, gof, output] = fit(x_data,y_data,ft_,fo_);
offset = y-offset
x0 = x-offset
a and c = amplitudes (weighing factors)
b and d = decay constants
As my experimental data are normalised, i.e. the decay occurs from 1 to 0, I would like to implement the following condition in my fitting routine: a + c = 1
How can I do this?
I appreciate your help!

Best Answer

Replace occurrences of c in your model with 1-a. Then fit the remaining parameters.
ft_ = fittype('offset+a*exp(-(x-x0)/b)+(1-a)*exp(-(x-x0)/d)',...
'coefficients',{ 'offset', 'x0', 'a', 'b', 'd'});