MATLAB: Cumulative sum of some columns of matrix

cumsumcumulative sum

I have a 100 x 12 matrix of monthly climate data values.
I want to create a matrix with the cumulative sum of the three previous months.
How can I use cumsum() to get the cumulative sum by row of a certain number of specified columns, not the whole row?

Best Answer

You seem to want to do cumsum along the second dimension, so trivial is to use
res = cumsum(yourMat,2);
but this will produce the typical cumsum. If you want to add every 3 columns only for a specific row,
yourRow = someval; %within your dimension range
cs = 1:size(yourMat,2);
cs1 = [1 1 cs(1:end-2)];
res = arrayfun(@(x,y) sum(yourMat(yourRow,x:-1:y)), cs, cs1, 'uni',0);