MATLAB: Cumulative sum for every 15min from 1 min timeseries data

cummulativefilterMATLABsumtime series

I have a precitpitation data at every 1 min interval. I want to change the timeseries to make a cumulative sum at every 15 min, in order to create a 15-min precipitation data. Which command would be the most suitable for this? Any Help?

Best Answer

Do you want to sum up the 15 minutes to a single number and then proceed to the next 15 minutes?
V = ceil(5*rand(33,1)) ; % some 33 arbitrary values
T = 0:numel(V)-1 ; % time stamps
interval = 15 ;
ix = 1+floor((T-T(1))/interval)
V2 = accumarray(ix(:),V(:))
isequal(V2(1),sum(V(1:interval))) % check
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