MATLAB: CSV file import in Matlab

csvMATLABstring cell

Hello everybody,
I have to import data from multiple csv files (more than 4000). Each csv file contains 7 columns, between 1 and 6 rows and 1 header-line. It contains multiple types of data, this format : formatSpec = '%f %f %f %s %f %f %f'. I used this to extract the data :
%%How many file ?
files = dir('C:\Users\titin\Documents\MATLAB\UALG\RADAR07\*csv');
num_files = length(files);
%%Extract data from files
for i=1:num_files
for j=1:1
% open files
fid = fopen(files(i).name
% read data from csv file
readData = textscan(fid,'%f %f %f %s %f %f %f','HeaderLines',1,'Delimiter',',','TextType','string','ReturnOnError',false,'EndOfLine','\r\n');
% extract data from readData
UserID(i,j) = readData(1,1);
Longitude(i,j) = readData(1,2);
Latitude(i,j) = readData(1,3);
Timestamp(i,j) = readData(1,4);
SpeedOverGround(i,j) = readData(1,5);
NavigationStatus(i,j) = readData(1,6);
ShipType(i,j) = readData(1,7);
The problem is, when I have a csv file which have more than 1 rows it creates a cell into an another cell like this :
For the numeric cell its not a problem because I used the function : cell2mat, and each cell was divided. But for the string cell, I don't know how to proceed to not have cells into cells. I tried to use the function cellstr but when there is a cell into cell I have an error.
If someone can help it would be great !
Thanks !

Best Answer

Assuming you just want the multiple rows in the sub-cells to be converted into rows in the main array, and assuming that the main cell array is indeed a column cell vector (i.e. Nx1) and the subcells are also column cell vectors, then
if any(cellfun(@iscell, yourcellarray))
yourcellarray = vertcat(yourcellarray{:});
But you'd be better off fixing the import, something we can only help with if we have an example of a file causing problem.
Even better would be to use readtable to do the parsing for you.