MATLAB: Cross product in Simulink

cross productsimulinkvariable-sized

I am looking to evaluate the cross product of vectors that exist in 2 nx3 matrices in simulink.
My inputs are two matrices A – nx3 and B – nx3.
My output C is such that C(i,:) = cross(A(i,:),B(i,:)). i=1,2,3,….,n.
n is unknown as A and B are variable-sized signals.
Is there a way in which this can be implemented in Simulink without resorting to MATLAB functions.

Best Answer

Can you do this in Simulink:
t1 = [2,3,1];
t2 = [3,1,2];
C = A(:,t1).*B(:,t2)-A(:,t2).*B(:,t1);
If so, that will give you the cross product of A and B at each row.
(Corrected the sign. It should be minus.)