MATLAB: Cross-Correlation between 2 images

cross correlationimage processingImage Processing Toolboxnormxcorr2

How to select a random POINT on one image than find its corresponding POINT on the other image using cross correlation?
So basically I have image1, I want to select a point on it (automaticaly) then find its corresponding/similar point on image2.

Best Answer

You can't do it for a point. Let's say the point in image1 has a value of 100. Well there are lots of points in image2 that might have that value. So you need to look at either the whole image or a window/patch. To look at the whole image and align the two, use imregister(). To look at just a small part of image1 (a template) and find it in image2, use normalized corss correlation, as illustrated in my attached demo.
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