MATLAB: Cropping an image using centroids


I have an image of multiple footballs, where I have located the centroid of each football in the image.
I want to crop the image using the centroids, to create a series of sub-images, where each ball has its own image.
Is there a way to do this using the centroids?
%Input video using videoreader command and name it 'obj'
obj = VideoReader('2D_football_video.mp4')
%% Read the frames in the video
%Define the frames in the video which you want MATLAB to read, in this case it is them all between frames 20-34
frames_no = [20:34];
%Tell it to read the frames in the video (named obj) where 20 is start and 34 finish
vidFrames = read(obj,[20 34]);
%Tell it to get the number of individual frames in the whole video
numFrames = size(vidFrames,4);
%Get individual frames
%Colormap is a table of colors used for index color videos is an image sequence matrix
%How many times you repeat a function in a loop is defined by 'k'
%k = the range of values the for loop will run through before ending.
for k = 1: numFrames %k = all the frames between 1 and the total number in the video
mov(k).cdata = vidFrames(:,:,:,k); %for all rows and columns in k
mov(k).colormap = []; % [], create an empty matrix
%Watch the video in a new figure using movie command
figure(1), movie(mov, 1, obj.FrameRate), title('Original movie');
%Show a certain range of frames in a montaged figure, in this case between 20 and 34
figure(2), montage(vidFrames(:,:,:,1:15)),title('Montage of frames 20 to 34'); % you have told matlab to identify 15 individual video frames
%% Tracking particle translations from ball centroids
%Define the frames between which particles are going to be tracked
start_frame = 1;
number_of_frames = 100;
%Define the radii of the circles to get MATLAB to search for
min_radius = 5;
max_radius = 10;
quality = .9; %quality is a number between 0-1 to see how strong a circle must be in order to be found. Values of 1 discard no circles
t = 0.1; % t is the frame rate, used as time in the velocity calculation
% Grid coarseness
n = 5; %spacing in the grid
% Here I am going to do all the same steps but in one move, this will be much more memory efficient.
tmpframe = read(obj,1); %read only the first frame from the video
% Meshgrid creates 2D grid coordinates with x and y coordinates defined by the length of the two inputted vectors
% Grids going from 1 to the length of tmpframe, in spacings of 5 (n)
%Track the particles and plot velocity for frames 1 and 2
for k = 1:numFrames;
%binarize frames 1 and 2 from the video (using rgb2gray)
frame_1 = rgb2gray(read(obj,k+start_frame-1));
frame_2 = rgb2gray(read(obj,k+start_frame));
%identify the circles in frames 1 and 2 with radii between the defined min and max
centres_1 =imfindcircles(frame_1,[min_radius,max_radius],'Sensitivity',quality,'Method','TwoStage');
centres_2 =imfindcircles(frame_2,[min_radius,max_radius],'Sensitivity',quality,'Method','TwoStage');
% dsearchm returns the indicies of the closest points in the 2 vectors
% identifies where each centroid has moved between frames 1 and 2
[index,dist] = dsearchn(centres_2,centres_1);
% here we have the distances not in order
% assign the centres from frames 1 and 2 to x and y coordinate variables
x_1{k} = centres_1(:,1);
x_2{k} = centres_2(index,1);
y_1{k} = centres_1(:,2);
y_2{k} = centres_2(index,2);
% now we compute the translational velocity as s = d/t
vel_x{k} = (x_2{k}-x_1{k})/t; %x velocity using frame 2 - frame 1
vel_y{k} = (y_2{k}-y_1{k})/t; %y velocity using frame 2 - frame 1
vel_res{k} = sqrt(vel_x{k}.^2 + vel_y{k}.^2); %the final velocity vector as a function as its x and y components
% now we can make a overall velocity, by reshaping the array
% for all the columns in 'loop', reshape the array 'griddata' to define, size U, V and RES
% Set graphics objects properties: size of the figure (x0,y0,width,height)
% This loop will now display what we have just made
for k = 1:number_of_frames-1;
subplot(1,2,1); %creates a figure with 2 plots side by side
hold on
%displays RES as an image using the full range of colors where each element of RES corresponds to a rectangular area in the image

Best Answer

Try this
A = imread('image.png');
I = im2bw(A,0.1); % binarize image
[L,n] = bwlabel(I); % label image
for i = 1:n
I1 = L == i; % select region
[ii,jj] = find(I1); % find all 'nonzero' indices
I2 = A(min(ii):max(ii), jj(1):jj(end),:);