MATLAB: Creating vector from another vector containing 2×2 matrix indices


I have an MxN matrix A. I can find the minimum of values in each column of A by: [Amin imin]=min(A(1:end),:) where imin is the line index of the minimum in each column (imin=[1 4 2 2 4 5 4 4] in example below). This way I get the array imin that contains these line indices. Now I want to find the equivalents of these elemts in another MxN matrix B (red boxes in picture below) and create a new vector V in the form: V= [B11 B42 B23 B24 B45 B56 B47 B48]

Best Answer

[~,ii] = min(A);
V = B(sub2ind(size(A),ii,1:size(A,2)));