MATLAB: Creating .txt file with matlab


Hey everyone.
I have a function that analyses an image and returns numerical values about it in several variabels.
Imagine I run my code and have the following data
a1=2; a2=4; a3=0; a4=8;
now I want my code to write this values in a .txt in the following way: 2,4,0,8
I want to be capable of analysing several images in the folder and to keep all the results in the same .txt file, with all the values separated by commas.
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

This opens the file once (overwriting if it already exists) and writes your results one line at a time.
fid = fopen( 'results.txt', 'wt' );
for image = 1:N
[a1,a2,a3,a4] = ProcessMyImage( image );
fprintf( fid, '%f,%f,%f,%f\n', a1, a2, a3, a4);
Alternatively, you could open the file in 'append' mode, write the line, and close it again each time through the loop.
doc fopen