MATLAB: Creating timetable from excel for rainfall data

hourly rainfallimporting excel dataMATLABtimetable

I am trying to import the excel data on hourly rainfall (attached) to calculate the daily, monthly, and annual rainfall.
Could anybody help me with creating timetable for the above dataset so that it would be possible to apply retime approach to calculate the daily/monthly?
Many thanks.

Best Answer

Considering that excel has a perfectly working date/time time, one must wonder why you're not using it. At least, encoding the date and time as characters would make more sense than this completely non-standard date and time storage. In particular using hour 24 on the current day instead of hour 0 on the next day makes no sense at all.
badlyformatteddata = readtable('RAINFALL_HOURLY.xlsx');
rainfall = table2timetable(badlyformatteddata(:, 'RainMm'), 'RowTimes', datetime(compose('%d %06d', badlyformatteddata.Date, mod(badlyformatteddata.Time, 240000)), 'InputFormat', 'yyyyMMdd HHmmss'));
rainfall.Time(hour(rainfall.Time) == 0) = rainfall.Time(hour(rainfall.Time) == 0) + days(1) %To account for that stupid hour 24