MATLAB: Creating Timetable from Excel for Driving Cycle.

driving cycleexcelimporting excel dataMATLABmissingdata

I would like to create a timetable for the driving cycle using the above two excel files.
I want to extract the speed data per second from the GPS Cycle excel file,
I want to extract Distance data per second from Lidar Cycle Excel file.
I want to write these two data in a timetable per second and make a graph.
Unfortunately, GPS data is well recorded per second, but Lidar Distance data per second is sometimes missed by 2 seconds.
Ex) 2020.06.25 15:21:23 Distance = 1533 -> 2020.06.25 15:21:25 Distance = 1344 (No 2020.06.25 15:21:24 Data)
I want to process this Missing Data as well.
I want to give the missing Lidar Distance Data a value of 0.
I don't get a sense of which method to use.
Please help.

Best Answer

Create the timetable
opts = detectImportOptions('GPS Cycle.xlsx');
opts.VariableTypes = {'double','datetime','double','double','double','double','double','double','double'};
TT = readtimetable('GPS Cycle.xlsx',opts);
View first few rows
8×8 timetable
DATE Column TIME_Second_ Longitude Latitude Altitude_m_ Course Velocity_km_h_ TotalDistance_km_
___________________ ______ ____________ _________ ________ ___________ ______ ______________ _________________
2020-07-30 18:38:05 1 0 127.01 37.542 61.5 285 0 0
2020-07-30 18:38:06 2 1 127.01 37.542 61.5 284.7 0 0
2020-07-30 18:38:07 3 2 127.01 37.542 64.4 284.7 14.2 0.004
2020-07-30 18:38:08 4 3 127.01 37.542 64.4 284.7 0.7 0.004
2020-07-30 18:38:09 5 4 127.01 37.542 64.4 284.7 0 0.004
2020-07-30 18:38:10 6 5 127.01 37.542 64.4 284.7 0 0.004
2020-07-30 18:38:11 7 6 127.01 37.542 64.4 284.7 0 0.004
2020-07-30 18:38:12 8 7 127.01 37.542 67.1 284.7 56.9 0.02
Extract the speed data
Note, you can clean up the variable names within the file or by using