MATLAB: Creating synthetic images with controlled properties

fourierimage processingImage Processing Toolboxspectrumsynthetic image generation

Hi everyone, Im trying to find out if there is a clever way to mathematically generate a set of different images with some key statistical properties fixed. For example: create a set of b&w images with same average spatial frequency content, same average luminance, but different structure…..
any ideas? any cool references about this? thanks!

Best Answer

Well here's one demo where I do something like that to generate clouds. Attached below in blue.
But your question is very vague. What is average spatial frequency exactly? A given spatial frequency pattern is the fft and inversing that will give you an image. If you change the fft you get a different image. So what does average mean in that case?
I've seen methods where people lay down random dots and then do morphological operations on them to get different worm-like looking images, but I don't know where any source code for that is. So it really depends on what you want to achieve. What do you want your images to look like?
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