MATLAB: Creating multiple connections to a database using loops- Database toolbox.


I am trying to create multiple connections to a database for a program I am writing to graph data from different databases next to eachother.
The basic command to connect to a database is:
conn=database(database_name,'IP Address','Password')
datbase_name is the name of the database
and IP Address and Password must be enclosed in single quotes.
What I am trying to do is basically (for a variable number n…a user can input how many databases he wants to connect to. I have all the database names in a matrix called DB_name…so I want DB_name(i) to call the i-th entry)
for i=1:n
However, this does not work. I am not entirely sure why it doesn't. I have been looking all through the forums, and have been unable to get any of the solutions to work with my problem.
I can do it with a ton of 'for' statements, this is impractical, and I want to do it with a loop to make sure I can support any number of database name entries.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

You probably need DB_name{i} instead of DB_name(i)
Though possibly you want DB_name(i,:)
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