MATLAB: Creating histogram from a datetime vector


Hello guys!
I was trying to plot a datetime arrangement (vector) in a 12-hour histogram.
The problem is that when I try to plot it, it considers the whole date (since each element has a dd-MM-yy HH:mm:ss format), so I was wondering if is possible to isolate the hour in order to get an histogram that shows the hourly frecuency in a single day (only considering the hour). Another option I was considering is transforming the HH element into another data type easier to plot, but once again, I am not sure how to do it.
Thank you in advance,

Best Answer

I am not certain what your data are or the actual result you want.
Try this:
DT = datetime('now')+hours(0:72).'; % Create ‘datetime’ Array
T1 = table(DT, rand(size(DT))); % Create Table With Data
[UCol1,~,ix] = unique(mod(hour(T1{:,1}),12)); % Unique Values & Indices
Tally = accumarray(ix, T1{:,2}); % Counts
bar(UCol1, Tally)