MATLAB: Creating function for baseline correction

baseline correctionfunction

I am trying to do a baseline correction of my epoched EEG data (64(channels)x250(sampling rate) x 586(trials) matrix). The baseline correction should compute the mean across the columns (so the mean for every row) between some startT and endT (should be specified in ms) before stimulus presentation (which is always at 0, or from columns nr 51 in the matrix). I have another vector containing the sampling times (times= [-200:4:796]). I need to somehow create a function that takes startT and endT as inputs, and computes the the mean value for each of the rows from startT(ms) to endT(ms), and then subtracts this value from each corresponding element in the matrix.
for i = 1:size(epochs_CG)
baselineCG = mean(epochs_CG(:,1:50,:), 2)
epochs_CG = epochsCG - baselineCG;
So this works when I run it, but I can't figure out how to write it as a function. I'm sorry, I'm new to matlab, would appreciate any help!

Best Answer

If you want to understand how to write MATLAB functions, see: Function Basics (link).