MATLAB: Creating EXE with DLL attached

compilerdllexecutableMATLAB Compilershared library

Let say i have 2 m files:
%%% first m file
function mainapp
global a b c
%%% second m file
function dllfile
global a b c
My question is how do i create mainapp.exe and dllfile.dll so they are functional when i start mainapp.exe from windows?
Also, if this above is possible, am i going to be able to change for example only dll file (compile newer version which does, for example b=3 instead of b=4) and continue to use mainapp.exe?
Thank you in advance
I have Windows 7 32bit
Matlab 2008b
Microsoft Visual Studio 2008

Best Answer

compiling dllfile.m into a dllfile.dll is possible with compiler, but you will not be able to call this dll from mainapp.m (and also not from mainapp.exe). This .dll can only be called from some non-MATLAB environment (e.g. C/C++). So: unfortunately you will not be able to have something like a "plugin" concept here. You can only compile both files into one .exe by
mcc -m mainapp.m
It will compile both files. Whenever dllfile.m changes, you have to recompile ...