MATLAB: Creating empty ui control component

appdesigner empty ui control initializationMATLAB

When using appdesigner, I want to initialize a property as an array of labels and text area
properties (Access = private)
function startupFcn(app)
app.comp_ui_obj(1) = app.CompLabel;
% 2..n assignments here
The problem is that the declaration of comp_ui_obj is by default double. Because of this app.comp_ui_obj(1) will contain a double instead of a matlab.ui.control object.
So, it seems that app.comp_ui_obj needs to be initialized as an empty matlab.ui.control object before the assignment.
With some classes, the empty function can be used for this (ex: uint8.empty). However, matlab.ui.control.empty does not work.
So, how do we initialize an empty ui control in appdesigner? How do we initialize a vector of empty elements?

Best Answer

Try setting your property to an empty Label class using the following
comp_ui_obj = matlab.ui.control.Label.empty