MATLAB: Creating Edit Box without using GUIDE


I am trying to make certain plots using a script file. Now i want to display data also, the same way we do in GUI using guide. But here i am NOT using GUIDE. I want to create edit boxes using that script file only and then set certain data from my program into the edit boxes. Please tel me how can I do that.

Best Answer

This is a start
fh = figure;
ebh = uicontrol( fh, 'Style', 'edit' )
next step is
doc uicontrol
Documentation says:
Uicontrol Properties Describe user interface control (uicontrol) propert
Position position rectangle
Size and location of uicontrol. The rectangle defined by this property specifies the size and location of the control within the parent figure window, uipanel, or uibuttongroup. Specify Position as [left bottom width height] left and bottom are the distance from the lower-left corner of the parent object to the lower-left corner of the uicontrol object. width and height are the dimensions of the uicontrol rectangle. All measurements are in units specified by the Units property.