MATLAB: Creating and naming Simulink Buses


I want to use buses in Simulink, and give them proper names. Some are created from a struct in an m script using:
busInfo = Simulink.Bus.createObject(myStruct);
First: in emldemo_bus_struct, where are MainBus and SubBus created and named? They are used in the blocks by setting the type to Bus: MainBus
Second: How can i give any other name than slBus1 when creating the bus in Matlab?
thanks, HÃ¥vard

Best Answer

MainBus and SubBus for this demo are loaded from a MAT-file calld businfo.mat - they are loaded from the PreLoadFcn model callback function (right-click on model and select Model Properties>Callbacks>PreLoadFcn). The name of the bus is determined by the name of the Simulink.Bus object in the workspace. You can name it to whatever other name you prefer.