MATLAB: Creating an infinite loop until an event occurs


I am trying to make a loop until a certain event happens. In my first drafts I simply let it run for a large number of steps. However, now that I am adding a few extra steps in between, and want it to stop, it is no longer viable. Before I could run
N=100 for t=1:N (calculations) End
Which would do the loop 100 times. However, now I want it to continue forever until a certain event occurs. So now I am getting to:
N=10000 for t=1:N (calculations)
if (calculations) End % and finish here completely and do not engage in any more loops
Else (more calculations) End % and this should repeat back to the ‘for’ statement
Is there any way I can have this loop continuing, and block it in the middle after a certain event? Otherwise, is there another way of doing it?

Best Answer

go = true;
while go
if step3==stopcriteria