MATLAB: Creating an array out of a for loop.

arraydicomfor loop

Using a for loop to create an array of file information however when I run the code I get an array of the correct size but only one cell had data in it…
struct = cell(length(fileID), 3);
for j = 1:length(fileID)
fID = char(fileID(j));
if exist(fID, 'file');
info = dicominfo(fID);
serDes = info.SeriesDescription;
instNo = info.InstanceNumber;
sliceLoc = info.SliceLocation;
L = length(fID);
fName = fID(L-2:L);
struct{k} = [fName, serDes, instNo];
Any help would be great!

Best Answer

A few things of note:
  • struct is a very common matlab function, don't use this as a variable name regardless of its content.
  • cell arrays and structure are two different container, so don't name a cell array struct or structure or anything that hints at structure. It's just plain confusing to anyone reading your code.
  • Learn to use the end keyword. These two lines:
L = length(fID);
fName = fID(L-2:L);
are equivalent to:
fName = fID(end-2:end);
With that said, the cause of your problem is pretty simple. You're using k as an index to store values in your cell array, whereas your loop index is j. k never changes within your loop.
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