MATLAB: Creating an array of structs and using the field directly


Hey guys. I'm wondering if there is a workaround for doing something like this:
a = {[struct('field',1) struct('field',2)].field}
which works in octave but not in matlab ("invalid syntax at '.'. Possibly a ')', ']' or '}' is missing"), I have to use a temporary variable. This is quite annoying. Is there a workaround?

Best Answer

It is not clear why you need to structure at all, as the output is simply a cell array with some numeric scalars in it (Octave code below)
>> {[struct('field',1) struct('field',2)].field}
ans =
[1,1] = 1
[1,2] = 2
>> {struct('field',{1,2}).field}
ans =
[1,1] = 1
[1,2] = 2
>> {1,2}
ans =
[1,1] = 1
[1,2] = 2
If the input is already a structure, then you can simply access the field values using the methods given in the documentation for non-scalar structures: