MATLAB: Creating a variable to from data in a matrix

matrixmatrix arrayvectors

I have loaded a text file and it is currently set as a variable, input1, in matrix form. I need a vector that is equal to the variables in this matrix of the first column from the 3rd row to the last row of the column.
Correct me if i am wrong but I believe to create a vector of the entire column can be done like this:
x = input1(:,1);
Is there a similar way to code this to only take the values starting at the third row?
Right now I have created column vectors consisting of the colums in the matrix. Then I wrote this but it does not seem to work either.
x = column1(3,:)
I have also transposed this and it still is not seeming to work. I am unsure what to do and would appreciate any help!
Thank you

Best Answer

you can select the first column starting from the third row doing this:
selection = matrix(3:end,1);