MATLAB: Creating a variable number of prompts.

homework helpMATLAB and Simulink Student Suite

So I'm just going to preface this saying that I'm very much still learning Matlab and not very proficent with the software yet.
My question is i'm trying to create a prompt that appears n times where n = an eariler input value. I have no idea where to begin with the code for this.
Here is what I have so far for this section. the end goal is to have the prompt appear like this:
Percent for test 1: xx.x
Percent for test 2: xx.x
Percent for last test: xx.x
prompt = {'Enter Your Name.', 'Number of Tests Taken. '};
dlgtitle = 'Name & Tests Taken';
dims = [1 50];
definput = {'Name','# of tests'};
answer = inputdlg(prompt,dlgtitle,dims,definput);
N = answer(1:1); % name entered in first box
T = answer(1:2); % Number of tests taken
TT = input('Percent for first test '); % Need to make varible # of prompts = T

Best Answer

prompt = {'Enter Your Name.', 'Number of Tests Taken. '};
dlgtitle = 'Name & Tests Taken';
dims = [1 50];
definput = {'Name','# of tests'};
answer = inputdlg(prompt,dlgtitle,dims,definput);
% you're good upto this point
N = answer{1}; % name entered in first box
T = str2num(answer{2}); % Number of tests taken
TT = zeros(T,1);
for i = 1:T
TT(i) = input(['Percent for test ',num2str(i),': ']);
%% TT stores all the scores