MATLAB: Creating a structure from a cell array with nested structure fields

cell arraysMATLABstructstructures

I have a structure with a cell array with structure fields.
The structure is a.fields. where a.fields{1,1} = 'b.c', a.fields{2,1}='c.d'
The real info is longer with even more nested structures, but I need a way that takes those fields to create the actual structure. I am using a for loop to go through the list, and so far I have:
structure_name = a.fields{i;1};
name.structure_name = {some info};
with the final hope that name.b.c = {some info} and so on and so forth.
I considered a loop by separating the cell array strings by period and looping through as well but figured I would ask about the (hopefully) more simple way. Obviously Matlab doesnt like that the names have periods and its telling me that it's invalid.
I would appreciate any insight.

Best Answer

Nope, that won't work.
Best approach: split on the period characters, then use setfield and getfield as appropriate:
S.field1.field2.field3 = 42;
P = 'field1.field2.field3';
pathPieces = split(P, '.');
theAnswer = getfield(S, pathPieces{:})
This example is taken from Steven Lord's answer here: