MATLAB: Creating a multi-dimensional array out of many lower-dimensional arrays


I currently have a hundred or so large datasets that are MxN (thus 2-D), for the external program that I use to gather this information I must run it for each of the parameters that I'm changing, for example … etc. Therefore I now have hundreds of MxN datasets that need to be combined into a multi-dimensional array. To give an example:
What I currently have:
data(alpha,mach) = 15; % element of the data at specified alpha and mach, for delta1 = 0; delta2 = 0; delta3 = 0; delta4 = 0;...
data(alpha,mach) = 10; % element of the data at specified alpha and mach, for delta1 = 5; delta2 = 0; delta3 = 0; delta4 = 0;...
Now I would like to have
data(alpha,mach,0,0,0,0,...) = 15;
data(alpha,mach,5,0,0,0,...) = 10;
I've looked into the "cat" command, but I'm not 100% on how it works, and how to check that the data that I've combined retains the same information.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Best Answer

If your "datasets" really are in the form of the Matlab dataset type described here, then I think you could probably just do something like the following:
C=dataset2cell(data); %convert the datasets to cell array
[m,n,p,q,r,s,t]=deal(10,12,5,5,5,5,5); %The data dimensions
dataArray = reshape( cat(3,C{:}) , [m,n,p,q,r,s,t]);
Now, for interpolation purposes, you can create a griddedInterpolant object as below,
gridVectors ={alphaList,machList,delta1List,....}; %List of sample grid values for each of the variables